Is the destruction of the economy not planned, though? The oligarchs running the show do know what to do. They do what they want. Their goal is complete control. They know the financial system is about to collapse.

The oligarchs know they can’t let our 'democracy' function once pensions begin disappearing, inflation really takes off, interest rates skyrocket and the shortages become chronic. They have to have their Great Reset locked in place, and will likely use war powers to make that happen.

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Again, I go with cock-up. They don't really understand what's going on, they don't know what to do, they simply don't believe it could be catastrophic, but if it is some little man somewhere will come up with a plan, where shall we have lunch?

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But, it is all planned. The Bank of International Settlements, aka the bankers' central bank and those who run it, the people behind it etc. seem to be the real controllers of the world. As Lenin said, echoed by Keynes, the surest way to destroy a free (capitalist) nation is to takeover and debauch its currency through a system of inflation and debt. The system has led to this situation and those at the top knew it was coming. CBDC and its problems are a small segment of what these maniacs have been planning for decades. People want to see only what they want to see. And the Banking Dynasty shows people only what they want them to see and are allowed to see.

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If they're that much in control, why haven't they planned something better and made us all grateful and beholden to them?

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They use fear so we are grateful for the state's interference in our lives and we become increasingly dependent on it. Eg UBI and a CBDC. They tell us to jump, we jump or else something terrible will happen to us. They pretend it is all for our good but in reality they want to eradicate social values that interfere with the flow of capital and replace them all with a single value (exchange value), rendering everything a commodity, and transforming society into a marketplace. Surveillance is key as some of us will rebel and say "no". We must be punished for that.

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