The 2007-2008 Global Financial Crisis never ended. Western governments simply swallowed the grenade. Since then our savings have decayed, inflation has caught hold and as Professor Wolff says in the first vid here, those in charge do not know what to do.
For the above title I’ve used the name of the Oscar-winning movie. The bit that doesn’t match the current situation is ‘everywhere’ - the Middle East and Asia are in the process of disengaging from us; but for us the ‘everything bubble’ may indeed deflate rapidly.
I say this with no pleasure - the UK is extremely vulnerable and prepping in our small and overcrowded country doesn’t seem realistic. (In the US, maybe.)
The British political class prepares for nothing. Even our emergency food reserves were abolished in 1995 and back in 2012 a seminar on food security noted (pdf):
UK consumers are increasingly vulnerable to price rises because stocks of food are no longer held. The government has no food reserves of its own, and overall reserves within the UK run to just a few days.
Here are three YouTube pieces I watched this morning that paint a composite picture of malfunctions in the banking system, the exploitation of that crisis to centralise power further and the gradual loss of social cohesion necessary to meet the challenges that face us:
You will know best what to do in your own situation. How will you advise your children, if you have any? Or will you just sit tight and hope for the best?
Is the destruction of the economy not planned, though? The oligarchs running the show do know what to do. They do what they want. Their goal is complete control. They know the financial system is about to collapse.
The oligarchs know they can’t let our 'democracy' function once pensions begin disappearing, inflation really takes off, interest rates skyrocket and the shortages become chronic. They have to have their Great Reset locked in place, and will likely use war powers to make that happen.