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Great stuff and all on the money, sadly.

I am now at the point where I wonder if we are already in the New World Order? Those who are behind the multinational corporations have apparently wanted a one world government for a while.

Perhaps, the United Nations will be the centre of governance and maybe Israel will be an important data hub as AI will be at the centre of things. The new world order is perhaps not new, but a rebirth of the old world order (or old Holy Roman Empire).

Quite where Russia and China fit in with all this, I am not sure but it is easy to see that the leaders of those two countries would be on board with the technocratic life style. They may even have been placed in their positions by the likes of the Rockefellers and Rothschilds who are near the top of the pyramid of global power.

If this is the case, we are already in our gilded cage and now it is a matter of how small it gets and how many of us are allowed to live in it.

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