On BOM 18 June 2016 I said…
Referendum: 3 for 3?
The Establishment's general strategy is to offer you an opportunity and then do their damnedest to make sure you don't take it.
2011 - Labour and Conservative parties unite to oppose the LibDems' push for the Alternative Vote, which if introduced would have meant that all MPs would have to be validated at a General Election by at least half of the votes cast in their constituency. As it is, in the last two GEs two-thirds of MPs got their seats in Parliament on the basis of a minority vote.
2014 - Labour, Conservative and Liberal parties unite to oppose Scottish independence. [Oddly, freedom-loving Scots seem both to oppose Brexit and to desire for themselves some strange version of independence that is - how? - consistent with membership of Monnet's "ever-closer union".]
2016 - Labour and Liberal parties, together with the Conservatives ex John Major's "bastards", unite to oppose British exit from the EU supranational government.
I keep saying it (and recently I have been seeing others saying something similar), we are seeing the construction of a new Habsburg empire. It suits politicians and businesspeople at a high level...
... plus much of the Fourth Estate (some for idealistic alle-menschen-werden-brueder aspirations) that is prepared to wear their livery. [I'll never forget how Jon Snow allowed Alastair Campbell to march in and take over his news programme.]
They wine, dine and recline with each other. They will intermarry until they begin to look different from the rest of us; perhaps not the Habsburg chin, but the opaque blue eyes of a Blair?
Yet the new European empire is ruinously undermined from the start, because the multinational corporations are even bigger. The status quo is rolling downhill out of control, without brakes or steering. There is no keeping things as they are; the question is whether anyone will try to get a grip.
If - and it's very iffy - this Referendum decides for Leave, and if - and it's very iffy - Parliament then decides to approve the decision, we will have taken only the first step in a long march.
The alternative is to watch matters progress to the point where the much of the world's social and economic system simply breaks down altogether and the wealthy Modern Mayans discover that even their own existence depended on a functioning society.
Seeing much of the writing and comments on social media, I'm not in favour of direct democracy - many people look as though they're not fit to be allowed out on their own, let alone vote - but if the national government of the day goes too far then under the present system the people can collectively vote them out. The EU structure above is an oligarch's dream and represents a final rolling-back of 200 years of widening enfranchisement.
Two centuries ago, most people in Britain couldn't vote, but they could riot. In bad times, they broke windows in Whitehall; in good, they unhitched the Prime Minister's horses and pulled his coach themselves.
Now, exhaustively spied upon and with super-powerful police and military to corral them, the people may commit only such disorder as the Establishment thinks fit to permit in order to justify oppressing them even more severely afterwards.
This vote matters, and it could be the last one that does.
And in the comments I also said…
I am beginning to worry that the reckless expansionism of the EU may provoke military conflict with Russia. Also the "sado-monetarism" of the ECB may drive the Greeks into the Russians' arms - remember there is already a longstanding wedge of Communist sympathisers in Greece. This time Britain might keep out of the Great Game - as long as our soldiers are not put in the van of the new EU Army.
Great stuff and all on the money, sadly.
I am now at the point where I wonder if we are already in the New World Order? Those who are behind the multinational corporations have apparently wanted a one world government for a while.
Perhaps, the United Nations will be the centre of governance and maybe Israel will be an important data hub as AI will be at the centre of things. The new world order is perhaps not new, but a rebirth of the old world order (or old Holy Roman Empire).
Quite where Russia and China fit in with all this, I am not sure but it is easy to see that the leaders of those two countries would be on board with the technocratic life style. They may even have been placed in their positions by the likes of the Rockefellers and Rothschilds who are near the top of the pyramid of global power.
If this is the case, we are already in our gilded cage and now it is a matter of how small it gets and how many of us are allowed to live in it.