I recall reading somewhere in a book some decades ago that the US car industry had discovered they'd sell more cars if they addressed 'the ladies' in their adverts. 'Ladies' have always wanted the ;test fashion in anything to prance around in, feel better and 'higher' than the others and be able to look down on them.

This craving has been exploited by the famous Ad agencies for so long it's become ingrained. Add to this the 'youth' factor where 'youth' means new and therefore better, and where old means stuffy, baby-boomerish and to be despised.

The sons and grandsons of those 1950s ladies are now techies, craving 'the latest' in iPhones and other tech stuff, not least because it plays into the male 'my dick is bigger than yours' attitude.

And so we are where we are ... I suppose those who can still remember 'make do and mend' and can, moreover, still do it (e.g. sew on replacement buttons ...) will come into their own once we're entered the sunny uplands of Net Zero and all sorts of shortages ...

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Ha ha, yes!

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