A lot of the drugging of kids in the US started with the educational system Any child that acted out was referred to the school shrink, who it turn referred them to the family doctor for ritilan. Makes the job so much easier to control with a room full of zombies. (don't get me started on the shrinks)
Our oldest son had this happen to him. Fortunately, our family doctor was against it. He said he was seeing too much of it. He did prescribe a minimal amount for a short time to appease the system. Soon after, Tim was showing the boys some of his karate. They liked the idea. Drugs did not improve our son's behavior, focus and discpline within the karate community did. He still turned out to be a total jerk, but that was as an adult.
A lot of the drugging of kids in the US started with the educational system Any child that acted out was referred to the school shrink, who it turn referred them to the family doctor for ritilan. Makes the job so much easier to control with a room full of zombies. (don't get me started on the shrinks)
Our oldest son had this happen to him. Fortunately, our family doctor was against it. He said he was seeing too much of it. He did prescribe a minimal amount for a short time to appease the system. Soon after, Tim was showing the boys some of his karate. They liked the idea. Drugs did not improve our son's behavior, focus and discpline within the karate community did. He still turned out to be a total jerk, but that was as an adult.