This is sadly true: "Only the middle class can be that stupid. They take on an idea given them by the official governmental propaganda machine and will then defend it against all comers, including facts and logic."

However, it wasn't always thus. I suggest this is another horrible relic from the covid years - remember the clapping for 'Our NHS' and the hearts and rainbows painted and scrawled everywhere? That was taught - and the middle classes are now applying it everywhere.

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Also Brexit. I'm sure we can come up with other examples.

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In America, things got worse with the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012. The government thought that this huge propaganda machine, used to sway opinions in foreign countries, would be wonderful to use on us. And fake news became more mainstream.

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Never heard! Interesting!

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Started after WWII in 1948. Used to disseminate information to foreign countries to try to sway their people to lean toward what the US wanted. Highly secretive with a lot of room to claim deniability. Done with our citizens totally unaware.

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