I think Trump may be done because of the guilty verdict. The entire plan was to waltz him through multiple courts until they nailed him. But how rediculous, lying about paying off a whore. Not exactly a threat to national security.

Frankly, I hope this creates a shitstorm in the US. People see it for what it is, taking out the only threat to Biden in 2024. Let's bring back the mantra of the 60s. Burn Baby Burn. Make America great again by allowing it to rise from the ashes. If we have a government that continues to act like a banana republic, let's act accordingly.

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You may find this piece - and others by this man - interesting: https://regiehammblog.wordpress.com/2024/05/31/5-years-from-now/

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Good read. The fix is in. It is not only the Trump verdict. It is the illegals and how we treat them, soon to probably allow them to vote. It is the insanity of the warmongers as it shows in Israel and Ukraine. We just spent $320M on a pier in Gaza that fell apart. The constant attack on my rights by increasing the rights others. Taking my money to give to others for equality.

And both political parties are in on it. Yep, hope this cluster fails for a lot of reasons.

Interestingly, the reasons above sound like situations in your country.

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Would it be wrong to hope that De Niro dies in a fiery car wreck?? Asking for a friend.

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Yes, but let's hope that an accident also doesn't happen to Trump.

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Like the Boeing whistle blowers? These are dangerous times in the USA. Can't trust anyone. Thank god for the second amendment.

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