Yesterday’s flap about a Chinese weather balloon over the USA… One rumour was that the bloon was dirigible, which is odd since it seems to have wobbled along a very circuitous route to get over those US missile sites, however briefly.
The extractive elite is panicking. They have bet the farm on the Ukraine gambit and have come a cropper.
The days of the US dollar being the world reserve currency are numbered. Europe (Germany) is awakening to the fact that the U.S. regards the demolition of their interests as collateral damage. Welcome to the Great Game of the 21st century.
It remains to to be seen whether the clueless jellies running the UK will wake up to the fact that the US interest is not synonymous with that of the UK. Nothing is more important to these people than a man in a dress.
Most of the Americans I interact with are totally embarassed with the delayed and weak response from our leaders. Some question what would happen if we were to get a "nukes are in the air" warning.
I question how long it will take the comic dictator of Ukraine to use the longer range missiles to actually start WWIII. He seems destined to do so. He is willing to sacrifice that third world country to that extent.
The extractive elite is panicking. They have bet the farm on the Ukraine gambit and have come a cropper.
The days of the US dollar being the world reserve currency are numbered. Europe (Germany) is awakening to the fact that the U.S. regards the demolition of their interests as collateral damage. Welcome to the Great Game of the 21st century.
It remains to to be seen whether the clueless jellies running the UK will wake up to the fact that the US interest is not synonymous with that of the UK. Nothing is more important to these people than a man in a dress.
How could you be more right than you are !
The coming multipolar world will certainly be an interesting one...
Most of the Americans I interact with are totally embarassed with the delayed and weak response from our leaders. Some question what would happen if we were to get a "nukes are in the air" warning.
I question how long it will take the comic dictator of Ukraine to use the longer range missiles to actually start WWIII. He seems destined to do so. He is willing to sacrifice that third world country to that extent.
I think it's obvious that the military knew it was a harmless balloon, bearing in mind that they nearly started WWIII when mistaking a flight of swans for an incoming missile.
Shooting it down with a missile instead of aerial cannon fire was pure theatre.
Zelensky - an example of how those in charge really don't care what they do to their own people.