So what exactly are you saying Rolf? How does this relate to the catastrophe that has become of our education system and our civilisation?

You ask "Can you think of public issues of today that could be solved by a systematic and resolute approach?"

Well, actually, yes I can.

My whole career has been in the legal profession. For many, many years, I saw a lot of people expressing great complaints about many aspects of our society, but I saw no one producing any credible and detailed plan to prevent or reverse this catastrophe. Accordingly, I have spent the last five years drafting a set of detailed constitutional, political, electoral, legal, monetary, educational and social reforms ("The Counter Revolution") which include a fundamental and permanent transfer of power from the corrupt and toxic British Ruling Elite to the individual British Citizen. These reforms would completely stop the problem.

"The Counter Revolution" can be downloaded without charge from my website at: https://TheCounterRevolution.org.uk

I am wanting practical solutions to the problems, not more talk. But I think most people just want to talk.

If you or anyone else is interested in the solutions I am proposing,

1. they can download a brief Introductory Leaflet (2 pages) which provides some background on this work:


2. they can also download a Summary (44 pages) of the reforms I am proposing at:


Incidentally, I have outlined in my book (at "Reform of Education" Page 1167 and starting at Clause 2248) detailed proposals for the reform of education. I should explain that the "Dark Force" I refer to is the international grouping who controls the left wing Education Mafia and is currently promoting the Great Reset. The book defines these expressions. But I should imagine these proposals will be totally rejected by teachers as unthinkable - as they are the reactionary Establishment and will not want any change - but if we are to get out of this situation there must be a dramatic change with the past in so many ways.

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Extended programs are good on a theoretical basis but hard to sell, perhaps because there's always at least one aspect that the reader doesn't like. Today the Greeks are voting again and Yannis Varoufakis has a manifesto which is elaborate, very high-minded and I think bound to fail. https://diem25.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/DiEM25-Manifesto-2022_pages.pdf

My point is that what is lacking is (a) will and (b) competence. There are some issues where we know what needs to be done but leaders are unwilling to grasp the nettle and, we suspect, don't even want to, even though the populace that legitimates their power has effectively instructed them to do it.

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I have come to the conclusion that all conventional attempts to reform the situation in the UK are now completely hopeless. It does not matter how well such proposals for reform are expressed, they will all fail.

All conventional opposition still tries to operate by way of political parties within the existing constitutional system of this country. This is now pointless as the existing constitutional and electoral system has been irrevocably corrupted, and all opportunities for real opposition have been closed down.

The British Ruling Elite WILL NOT LISTEN AND WILL NOT CHANGE; they prevent all forms of opposition. Gradual reform within the current system is therefore no longer possible—so the British people are left with nothing except direct action, between them and slavery.

I do not want to be a slave. However the Infrastructure of Slavery, that is the CBDC, the Global Digital ID and all the suffocating surveillance of everything we do and say and possibly even one day what we even think, will imprison me as well as everybody else. I do not accept that.

But this will only happen because the corrupt and toxic British Ruling Elite will comply with the orders (and money) of their controllers in the international grouping (and their Great Reset) and impose such conditions on us. None of this could happen without the direct and deliberate assistance of the British Ruling Elite.

It is my view that the disastrous and destructive policies of the last 30 years have not been because of incompetence but have been deliberate misfeasance by both political parties following the Plan decreed by this international grouping.

To leave this odious British Ruling Elite in control of the country guarantees our total subjugation and the removal of all our historic freedoms.

By directly collaborating with this international grouping in the imposition of their Plan, particularly with the Fake Virus Crisis and the following State Terrorism imposed on the British people, the British Government as representatives of this British Ruling Elite have broken the Social Contract as totally and as fundamentally as Charles I in the 17th century which produced the Civil War (I refer you to pages 895 to 900 of the book). It was considered that Charles I's behaviour was so bad that he had to be removed. It is my position that the behaviour of the British Ruling Elite is actually far worse than the behaviour of Charles I who did not try to destroy and knowingly poison his own people.

The present constitutional situation in Britain leaves no opportunity for real opposition. Democracy in Britain has ceased to exist - although the controlled media pretend otherwise.

If it can be agreed that virtually all the troubles in the country are the result of the actions of the British Ruling Elite, then how is their power (and arrogance) to be taken off them?

One major reason for the complete corruption of British democracy is the political party system (my arguments for this are set out on page 913 of my book).

It is therefore a key platform of the Programme of National Reform set out in my book that the political party system is abolished and that all MPs are independents and delegates of their constituents; they will be contractually bound to their constituents and if they break their contractual duties they can be directly removed by their constituents. There will accordingly be a true Direct Democracy with Delegated Duties binding all MPs. The details of these arrangements are set out on pages 911 to 919 of my book.

This will be a greater reform of the Constitution than even the Great Reform Act of 1832. This reform alone will cause an historic transfer of power from this dreadful British Ruling Elite to the ordinary British Citizen. Unless there is this transfer of power to the individual British Citizen then I am afraid our civilisation is finished and there will be hellish conditions in these islands.

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You'll remember that what came after Charles I was much worse. Compared to much of the rest of the world we are an oasis of peace and sanity. We have to focus on problems in order of importance and solvability, and certainly not attract the attentions of the security services with talk of revolution.

Besides, if you know the story of the Earl of Essex's rebellion against QE1 he thought he would rouse the people of London; instead they closed their doors and hunkered down as he rode to his doom.

Either someone will come forward to lead us in the right direction - like the convictionless but energetic chancer Johnson - or matters will come to a head and force change. As I've said before, only disaster can save us!

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