For some reason I have never driven a car, motorcycles when younger but no cars. Growing up in the 1950s/60s we hardly saw any private cars on our housing estate. Only posh people and the local doctor had a car. Public transport has improved one way or another over the years. There is now a £2 price cap on bus fares - whoopee! I don't need to bother with the palaver involved in applying for my bus pass. Don't really want one, why would I want my every move tracked? Cash will soon be a thing of the past, pay by phone only. That will be the final freedom taken from us, the freedom to move around at will without the eyes of government on us. Even if public transport reaches the parts that cars could reach we will still be in a glass cage.

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I don't have that kind of phone. If they insist they can buy me one.

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Here in the US, they are starting something called FedNow. It is beginning the infrastructure for digital currency. Starting slow like they always do until it overcomes us. Digital currency will be the end of freedom. Speak out against your government and all of your money will be frozen until compliance is complete. We do it to countries, oligarchs and even Canadian truck drivers in protest. Once implemented, "social credits" will soon follow.

That along with the curtailment of movement you mention will take us back to being serfs again. Be very afraid of anything government sponsored.

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I feel helpless. But to stay schtum is to collude.

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"Be very afraid of anything government sponsored."

One of Ronald Reagan's best quotes was something like, "The most dangerous words in the English language are, I'm from the government and here to help you."

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JD comments:

Have you been listening to Jordan Peterson?


As for electric buses we used to have these - https://youtu.be/fVsgTe_cGrA

In the sixties, before I got a car. I travelled to work by rail and the trains were electric. The rail lines are still there and now carry the Tyne and Wear Metro.

Michael Bentine in one of his books wrote "Oh thank the Lord, everything is going to be all right. The politician has arrived! Said nobody ever!" (or words to that effect)

A politicians only talent is for getting everything wrong. As the saying goes 'they know nothing about everything!'

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